Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's becoming my mission to figure out our DSLR and Alice is my new subject. I'm still figuring out the settings, but here are a couple pictures from our last shoot. It was pretty difficult to make a newborn cooperate. I'm seeing now why photographers charge a sitting fee. I was looking at newborn pictures online and saw that apparently what makes a cute picture is to put a hat on the baby. Here is Alice in a hat...and it is pretty cute.

And a post isn't a post without hearing what Caleb is up to. He's found the stash of his old baby things and doesn't see anything wrong with using them himself. At his current age he actually gets more use out of them than he did when he was a baby. As a baby he would sit in this exersaucer and just fiddle with a few things here and there and then be done. As a toddler, he uses it as more of a circular workstation.

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