Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bowl Heads

 These bowls are the perfect size for a 7 month old baby head.  Here are pictures of both Alice and Caleb at 7 months.  Some differences, but man they still look so similar!


Some kids don't need a binky...that is not the case with Alice and Caleb and their slight (using that word lightly) addiction to these mouthpieces.  Alice has learned to put hers in by herself.  A great skill to have!
 If you are a fan of the show Grey's Anatomy, or any show with doctors in surgical masks, you know that the acting is in the eyes.  Because half their faces are covered during some extremely dramatic scenes, these actors only have their eyes to convey everything...same with Alice below.  She's got the biggest, sweetest eyes and we still aren't sure what color they will end up being.  Maybe hazel?
 I'm also starting to wonder about her hair.  Will she get a mohawk like Caleb?  Will she ever have enough for pig tails?

7 Months

Alice is now 7 1/2 months.  It's incredible how quickly the months have passed, yet at the same time I feel like we've known Alice forever.  She is now a pro at sitting up, babbling a lot (ba ba ba ba is the current favorite), and trying like mad to crawl.  She's got her two lower front teeth and another molar coming in.  Her growth spurts and budding teeth have recently allowed for us to spend time together in the middle of the night, rocking and dozing off.  Poor thing.  Looking forward to the return of sleeping through the night, I'm sure she is too.

Adventures of Alice

Lots of pictures of Alice from the past month.
 Learning to sit up.
 Alice was playing with her toys when one randomly happened to land on her back...too cute.
 Alice loves loves her solid food.  In fact she gets very angry if you don't feed her fast enough...

Catch Up with Caleb

Yes it's been awhile since I've posted...so here are some pictures to show what Caleb's been up to.
 Caleb still finds it amusing to play with his food - I still find it imperative to document with pictures.
 This boys hair grows faster than you can imagine.  Here is is getting it cut...
 And here he is getting a post cut ice cream.  Delicious.
 One of my favorite pictures.  Caleb is still using the binky at night.  The Binky Fairy is coming soon to take his binkies and give them to other babies, but until that happens he's getting in as much binky time as possible.  So the other night we went to a new store - Buy Buy Baby (Bed Bath and Beyond's version of Babies R Us).  Literally floor to ceiling baby stuff.  So here is Caleb in the pacifier isle...I'm not sure I've ever see so many binkie's.  Hilarious.
 Working on mastering the stairs.

Lake Holidays

Here are some pictures from Memorial Day and 4th of July weekends at the lake.  So much fun!

Auntie Sherie with the kiddos on Memorial Day
Max and Alice on the dock
 Hang on!
 4th of July fun

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adults Only!

Imagine that, a blog post with no pictures of Alice or Caleb.  Here are some pictures of August wakeboarding.  I've finally learned to drive the boat while he's behind it (not without my share of learning experiences that I won't get into here).  He'll be pro in no time. :)