Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Caleb - 21 months

Caleb has become the most entertaining toddler. My brother asked me awhile ago what Caleb is in to. At the time, I had no clue. He really wasn't showing an affinity towards one thing in particular. Well that has all changed. He is now in love with trains. His new favorite thing to do is to play "choo-choo" by building immaculate bridges for his many trains. It's awesome to see him get so in to it, and awesome that he now can be occupied with something for more than 10 minutes. August and I are really enjoying all of this play time with Caleb.
For Caleb's first Christmas, his great uncles gave him a puppet set. We pulled this out the other day for a show and Caleb really got in to it. Notice though how he is not sitting in front of the show, but off to the side. He had to have a view of what was going on both in front of and behind the curtain. Sneaky kid.
These last couple pictures just made me smile.


  1. ADORABLE!!!! LOVE the milk mustache!!! He's a little man! Jeez! So stinkin cute!! So which model did you get on that camera? They're so expensive but at least I need to narrow down to a specific brand. If you want, you can email me about the specifics! I wanna hear your advice.

  2. I love the theater set! What a blast.
