Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Sherlock Holmes

Oh boy - Caleb is crafty.  We knew he was smart, but after this morning, we will be giving him more credit.

Caleb has been enjoying the daily ritual of looking in the advent calendar to see what Santa's elves have left for him the night before.  A new holiday tradition.

Well yesterday we went to buy Alice a birthday gift at the toy store and Caleb saw a tiny little train in the check out isle that he really wanted.  We told him he would need to add it to his list for Santa and that was that.  I then snuck it into the cart thinking it would be perfect for the advent calendar.  We got home, August put it in day 25 and threw the packaging away.  Well this morning when Caleb opened up the trash to throw something away, he saw the package. "There is train trash in there!"  "Where is the train?"

Oh dear - we have a problem.  August and I played ignorant - "What train trash?" "What train?"  That did not work.  I finally had to explain that Santa's elves may have brought the train and hid it.  "Where did they hide it?  Can I talk to Santa?"  So this Christmas Caleb will be learning a lesson in patience and Mom and Dad will be learning a lesson in not only hiding gifts, but hiding any evidence that gifts even exist.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA!! Cutest post ever!!! Hope all is well with you guys! Merry Christmas!!
