Monday, May 17, 2010

18 Months - Well really almost 19!

Our friend Joe emailed me today demanding a 3 peas update, so here are some pictures that will hopefully satisfy the masses. Caleb has been up to all sorts of things lately. The biggest change has been the talking. He'll repeat any word that you ask and sometimes it even sounds right. My favorites are waffle, yellow, and cracker.

Good times with a fork.
Even better times being pushed around on the top of tin. That dad is so creative.
Bubble Mustache!
This is a good place for Caleb to stay while I get things done.
Pictures from Antioch park
Grandpa came to visit a couple weeks ago and brought fig newtons. Caleb wouldn't stop bugging him all weekend for more and more cookies. I'm guessing Grandpa didn't have any left for the car ride back to Wyoming.
Caleb and Grandpa in ball caps...they both share the same expression of "please stop with the photos, let us go outside and play already." We can't wait for you to come back to visit...and bring Grandma Kate!

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