In just about a month, we're going to have a 3 year old on our hands. He has really become quite the character in his old age. My current favorite Calebism:
"Hey Little Fella" - Caleb says this to Alice all the time. Who taught him this? August is sure he heard it from another child at his old daycare. Either way, I continue to remind him that Alice is a "Little Gal", but he continues on with the orginal phrase. Caleb has asked me what I am; I made the mistake of saying, "I'm a big lady."
Last night we went with Caleb to his new school for parent's night. It was very fun to have him show us around his room, see him play with his classmates, and meet the other parents. Most common question I heard coming from the parents - Why doesn't my child do this/act like this at home? Whether it was eating well, picking up toys, or listening to the teacher, we all watched with pride as our toddlers funtioned appropriately in a classroom setting. Then we all grilled the teachers on parenting tricks. So great to see that a toddler will be a toddler, no matter what.