During my maternity leave, Alice and I traveled to Wyoming to visit all of the Sissman family. We had a great time in Casper with two generations of grandparents. We also traveled to Lander to visit all of the uncles, aunts, and cousins. We had so much fun and cannot wait to see everyone again.
Here is Alice with GG (Great-Grandma)

With Grandpa looking alert and amused

Relaxing with Grandma Kate

We also had the chance to meet up with my friend Terri Ann and her daughter Reese. We've known each other since 5th grade when she moved in next door and we quickly bonded over roller skating around the block while singing Vanilla Ice (it was cool in the 90s).

Aunt Ellen and Alice

And Alice with cousin Sam. Sam will be getting a baby sister of his own at the end of this month. While we were visiting I was asking him if he was excited, if he would be a good helper, etc. He was in the middle of answering and just stopped short, gave me a serious look, pointed at Alice and said "Is that my baby sister?" It was very sweet. We can't wait to meet our new sister cousin during our next trip to Wyoming! Stay tuned!