The snow this season has been amazing! It started snowing in Wyoming the Wednesday before Christmas and ever since wherever we are, so is the snow.
Here are a couple pictures of Caleb experiencing the snow for the first time in Casper. This was on Christmas Eve. He wasn't too fond.

Within a couple days it had snow quite a bit more in Casper. But it was very fluffy and beautiful...until it interfered with our plans to get back to Kansas City. August and I braved the roads and Deborah, Daniel, and Caleb braved the airport...and we all made it back safe and sound.

So we had heard that there was plenty of snow back in Kansas City as well, but it seems that we never get as much as Wyoming and if we do, it melts quickly. So on the ride back to Kansas City I suggested to August that we shovel the driveway when we get back to KC...keep things cleaned up so it wouldn't ice over later under the car tracks. Well as if we had a choice...this is what we were greeted with after a 2 day car trip...feel free to spend a while shoveling!

The snow here has been nuts! None of it has melted and we've had some pretty big snows since this picture. We just aren't used to the length of time it's been so cold and so snowy. And now the Patterson's have the bright idea to head off to Vail next week for some winter sports. Might as well make the most of the weather!